
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
What Now USA? | On-The-Street Interviews
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Out And About – Conversations with People on the Street about Questions That Matter: What Now USA? Thoughts from the Women's March Santa Cruz, California
After the inauguration of the President of the USA, we ask ‘What now USA?’ For our Out and About feature Ruth Copland interviewed participants at the Santa Cruz Women’s March in California to find out what they would like from the new President and Administration, and why. Ruth Copland interviewed men and women, and people aged 18 to 80; they speak about their hopes and concerns with regard to the environment, civil rights, women's rights, immigrants, and tolerance.
What do you think? For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
In Out And About we consider topics with local relevance and global significance. The idea is to get us thinking about the questions that affect us all - to stimulate new thinking, or clarify what we already feel. To hear how other people’s opinions may differ from or be similar to our own.
Copyright 2016 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Arts Interview: Jodi Frediani, Marine-Life Photographer
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Jodi Frediani
This week as her special guest from the arts Ruth Copland is pleased to be interviewing renowned marine life photographer Jodi Frediani. Her incredible photos have appeared in publications around the world and she’s particularly known for her remarkable images of whales with whom she swims. We talk about her journey through the flower power of the 60s, travelling all over Africa and Europe, giving Yoko Ono relationship advice, and how (having received her first camera at the age of 12) she became such an incredible marine-life photographer.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2016 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Jan 16, 2017
Special Arts Report: Veronica Roth - Internationally Best-Selling Author
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Veronica Roth
This week as my special guest from the arts I’m pleased to be interviewing Veronica Roth, internationally best-selling author of the hugely popular Divergent series of novels - Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and also the book Four: A Divergent Collection. Divergent received the 2011 Goodreads Choice Award for Favorite Book, Publisher’s Weekly Best Book of 2011, and was the winner of the YALSA 2012 Teens’ Top Ten. The Divergent trilogy has been adapted into a blockbuster series of four films starring Shailene Woodley and Theo James, with the final film due out in the Spring of 2017.
The much-anticipated first book in Veronica’s next series, a science fiction/fantasy duology, is called Carve the Mark.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2016 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Helene Cardona
This week as her special guest from the arts Ruth Copland is pleased to be interviewing Helene Cardona - poet, actress, literary translator, film producer and renaissance woman. We talk about the inspiration for her new, acclaimed book of poetry Life in Suspension, her artistic drive to create, why she was featured as one of the modern renaissance women in the recently published Ren Women, how she came to be fluent in 6 languages and much more!
Hélène Cardona is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including a Hemingway Grant and the USA Best Book Award. Her books include three bilingual collections of her own poetry, most recently Life in Suspension, and two translations of poetry by other authors. She has translated the works of many poets and writers. Her own poetry collections have been translated into 13 languages. In addition, Helene contributes to and co-edits an array of literary publications.
A graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, Hélène trained with renowned actress Ellen Burstyn, amongst other teachers. She has worked in theatre performing at the Players Club, The Actors’ Studio, and with The Naked Angels and Ubu Repertory Theater in New York. In film, she has had roles in the films Chocolat, Mumford, The Hundred-Foot Journey, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, World War Z, and Jurassic World. She is the Computer Voice in the TV series Heroes Reborn and her many voice characters include Happy Feet 2 and Muppets Most Wanted. For Serendipity, she co-wrote with Peter Chelsom & Alan Silvestri the song Lucienne, which she also sang. Her eight producing credits include the award-winning documentary Femme: Women Healing the World. She has also trained in shamanic and dream work, past-life regression and astrology. Helene is one of the subjects of the newly published book RenWomen: What modern renaissance women have to teach us about living rich fulfilling lives.
A citizen of the United States, France and Spain, Hélène Cardona was born in Paris of a Greek mother and Spanish father. She studied English Philology and Literature in Cambridge, England; Spanish at the International Universities of Santander and Baeza, Spain; and German at the Goethe Institute in Bremen, Germany. She attended Hamilton College, New York, where she also taught French and Spanish, and the Sorbonne, Paris, where she wrote her Masters thesis on Henry James.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2016 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Oct 17, 2016
Special Arts Report: Geraldine Brooks, Pulitzer-Prize-Winning Author
Monday Oct 17, 2016
Monday Oct 17, 2016

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Arts Interview: Maria Semple, Internationally Best-Selling Author and Screenwriter
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016

Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Arts Interview: Tess Morris, Screenwriter and 2015 BAFTA Breakthrough Brit
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Women in Power: What Do We Fear? | On-The-Street Interviews
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016

Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Sunday Aug 21, 2016