
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Cinequest Film Festival Director of Programming, Michael Rabehl
Ruth Copland speaks to Cinequest Director of Programming & Associate Director Michael Rabehl. Voted Best Film Festival by USA Today, Cinequest Film and VR Festival 2018 in Silicon Valley, California, features 130 World and U.S. premiere films, over 500 screenings, VR experiences, special programs and fabulous celebrations, including Maverick Spirit Award events with Nicolas Cage and Andy MacDowell.
For over 20 years Michael has programmed thousands of films for Cinequest, many of them World, North American and US premieres, and has helped make Cinequest what it is today - one of the top 10 film festivals in the world. Michael has been a member of the Cinequest team since 1994 and as Director of Programming manages the film selection process and supervises the programming teams to create a world class line up of films and guests every year. As the Associate Director he’s also directly involved with the strategic planning of the festival. Ruth talks to him about how he decides which films to feature from the many entries, what journey brought him to Cinequest, and the value of film as an art form.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2018 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Jeremy Guy, Director of 'Purdah', Cinequest World Premiere Film
Ruth Copland talks to Jeremy Guy, an award winning director and cinematographer based in Los Angeles. Jeremy’s inspiring feature documentary 'Purdah' follows a young woman in India who recently removed her burkha for the first time to pursue her dream of becoming one of the only Muslim women to play cricket professionally in all of Mumbai. The film also follows the apsirations of her two sisters who have their own dreams they wish to fulfill, despite the limitations of their religious and cultural circumstance.
'Purdah' had its world premiere at Cinequest Film and VR Festival 2018. Jeremy graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara Film Studies Program with Highest Honors and Departmental Honors before earning his Master of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California in Film Production. His subsequent work includes a wide variety of projects including narrative feature films, major television shows, and independent documentaries. Ruth talks to Jeremy about what motivated him to tell the story of Purdah, how he got the family to agree to be filmed, what attracts him to documentary film-making, and what audience he hopes the film reaches.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2018 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Part Three Enrique Martínez Celaya, Artist and Author
Details of Photo Below.
Watch video excerpts of Ruth Copland interviewing Enrique at his inspiring studio in LA
Listen to Part One in Enrique Martinez Celaya Interview Series Here
Enrique Martínez Celaya talks about talks about how he sets up his studio; whether art has a role in reflecting and shaping conflict, and giving a voice to the voiceless; how and why he avoids getting too comfortable with his art; the connection between his memories and his work; why the art world is a hotbed for narcissism and what the antidote might be; and the importance of how art is taught in schools and higher education. Ruth Copland spoke to Enrique Martinez Celaya at his inspiring studio in Los Angeles, with multiple vast rooms both to paint in and display his work, as well as a small library, and a beautiful, lush garden featuring some of his sculptures.
Enrique Martínez Celaya trained as an artist as well as a physicist, and early in his career invented several patented laser devices before abandoning physics for art. An award-winning artist, he works predominantly in painting, but also in sculpture, photography, poetry and prose. His art work has been widely exhibited internationally and is held in the public collections of international institutions around the world. Enrique is the author of papers in art, poetry, philosophy, and physics and several books including 'Collected Writings and Interviews 1990-2010', and 'On Art and Mindfulness: Notes from the Anderson Ranch'. He has worked in collaboration with scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, musicians and architects, including the Canadian rock-band, Cowboy Junkies, the poet and Nobel-Prize-winning chemist, Roald Hoffmann, and the novelist Mary Rakow.
Photo: Portrait of the artist at Galerie Judin, Berlin, 2017. Pictured: The One Who Stayed (Milk), 2017, Oil and wax on canvas, 116 x 150 in.
Photo © Angelika Platen
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2018 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Part Two Enrique Martínez Celaya, Artist and Author
Details of Photos Below.
Watch video excerpts of Ruth Copland interviewing Enrique at his inspiring studio in LA
Listen to Part One in Enrique Martinez Celaya Interview Series Here
Enrique Martínez Celaya talks about why he chose painting as his artistic from of expression; how he approaches creating a work of art; how working with sculpture compares with painting; what he considers when naming his works; the significance of art telling one want to think vs making one think; how he sees the relationship between his writing and his visual art; male and female figures in his work; the part art plays in holistic knowledge; whether art can have a healing effect; and how an artist should judge the success of their work in their own eyes. Ruth Copland spoke to Enrique Martinez Celaya at his inspiring studio in Los Angeles, with multiple vast rooms both to paint in and display his work, as well as a small library, and a beautiful, lush garden featuring some of his sculptures.
Enrique Martínez Celaya trained as an artist as well as a physicist, and early in his career invented several patented laser devices before abandoning physics for art. An award-winning artist, he works predominantly in painting, but also in sculpture, photography, poetry and prose. His art work has been widely exhibited internationally and is held in the public collections of international institutions around the world. Enrique is the author of papers in art, poetry, philosophy, and physics and several books including 'Collected Writings and Interviews 1990-2010', and 'On Art and Mindfulness: Notes from the Anderson Ranch'. He has worked in collaboration with scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, musicians and architects, including the Canadian rock-band, Cowboy Junkies, the poet and Nobel-Prize-winning chemist, Roald Hoffmann, and the novelist Mary Rakow.
Photos From Left Clockwise: Enrique Martínez Celaya; Installation photo of “A Wasted Journey, A Half-Finished Blaze”, 2014, Galleri Andersson/Sandström, Umeå, Sweden. Pictured: The Cascade, 2013, Bronze sculpture, five steel beds, fiberglass, and pine needles, Collection of the Moderna Museet, Stockholm; View of the studio, Studio Enrique Martínez Celaya, Culver City, CA. From left: 'The Worker’s Creed (Freddie Mercury)', 2016, Oil and wax on canvas, 100 x 78 in. 'The Innocent', 2015, Oil and wax on canvas, 92 x 118 in.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Arts Interview: Andy Weir, Award-Winning Author of 'The Martian'
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Best-Selling Author Andy Weir
This week as her special guest from the arts Ruth Copland interviews Andy Weir, New York Times best-selling author and recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2016. Andy is known for his hugely popular hard-science-fiction novel The Martian, which was made into an acclaimed feature film, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain. Starting out working as a computer programmer for Sandia National Laboratories at the young age of only 15, Andy Weir built a two-decade career as a software engineer working for such companies as AOL and Blizzard, where he worked on the video game Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. Andy began writing in his twenties, putting various stories up on his website, and continued writing through his years as a software engineer. The success of his first published novel, The Martian, allowed him finally to write full time and his latest book, Artemis, is a near-future, sci-fi-noir heist story set on the moon. The film rights to Artemis have already been acquired and Andy has also penned a TV pilot that has been picked up by CBS. Andy Weir describes himself as a lifelong space nerd and a devoted hobbyist of such subjects as relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned spaceflight, all of which contribute to the realistic feel of the worlds he creates in his fiction. He currently lives in Mountain View, California.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: Part One Enrique Martínez Celaya, Artist and Author
Details of Photos Below.
Watch video excerpts of Ruth Copland interviewing Enrique at his inspiring studio in LA
Enrique Martinez Celaya talks about his creative environment growing up; what made him ultimately choose art over science as his career; how he sustained himself through the early years of making his way as an artist; his thoughts on the division between art and science; what it felt like to sell his first painting; his figurative approach to painting; whether it’s necessary to understand how a work came into being in order to appreciate it; the necessity for a mastery over technique, tools and materials; whether the spiritual element of art advanced by Kandinsky and Mondrian is part of the impetus of his work; how we can engage people in art; the most important character traits for commercial and artistic success as an artist; and what keeps the passion of art alive for him. Ruth Copland spoke to Enrique Martinez Celaya at his inspiring studio in Los Angeles, with multiple vast rooms both to paint in and display his work, as well as a small library, and a beautiful, lush garden featuring some of his sculptures.
Enrique Martínez Celaya trained as an artist as well as a physicist, and early in his career invented several patented laser devices before abandoning physics for art. An award-winning artist, he works predominantly in painting, but also in sculpture, photography, poetry and prose. His art work has been widely exhibited internationally and is held in the public collections of international institutions around the world. Enrique is the author of papers in art, poetry, philosophy, and physics and several books including 'Collected Writings and Interviews 1990-2010', and 'On Art and Mindfulness: Notes from the Anderson Ranch'. He has worked in collaboration with scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, musicians and architects, including the Canadian rock-band, Cowboy Junkies, the poet and Nobel-Prize-winning chemist, Roald Hoffmann, and the novelist Mary Rakow.
Photos From Left Clockwise: Enrique Martínez Celaya with painting The Radiance in background; Galerie Judin, Berlin, The Wanted Freedom (Black Milk), 2017, Oil and wax on canvas, 116 x 150 in., Private collection, Berlin and The One Who Stayed (Milk), 2017, Oil and wax on canvas, 116 x 150 in; View of the newly completed studio garden, Studio Enrique Martínez Celaya, Culver City, CA. From left: The Landmark, 2016, Bronze, 17 x 100 x 94 in. The Well, 2014, Bronze, 152 x 65 x 59 in., Private collection, Miami, Florida.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Saturday Nov 04, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Out And About – Conversations with People on the Street about Questions That Matter: Is Homelessness Everyone's Problem?
From top left clockwise: Dora Berlanga in DTS yellow shirt; Joan Baez; Greg Penzinger; Martin Bernal.
What are your views of the homeless? Do you think of them all in the same way or as individuals? Is it their responsibility to get themselves back on their feet or is homelessness everyone's problem?
Ruth Copland speaks to people on the street at the inauguration event in Santa Cruz, California for the Downtown Streets Team initiative, which is a community-based solution to homelessness. Ruth speaks to legendary folksinger and activist Joan Baez who lends her support to the programme; Dora Berlanga, one of the homeless Downtown Streets Team members; project manager Greg Penzinger; and Santa Cruz City manager Martin Bernal to get their views on the solution to this pervasive problem.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
In Out And About we consider topics with local relevance and global significance. The idea is to get us thinking about the questions that affect us all - to stimulate new thinking, or clarify what we already feel. To hear how other people’s opinions may differ from or be similar to our own.
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding. Hosted by Ruth Copland
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Edward Goldman
Are you curious about the modern art world? Edward Goldman is an art critic, art consultant, and host of the NPR show ‘Art Talk’, which he has hosted for over 25 years. Edwards is originally from Russia and Ruth Copland talks to him about his life journey from St Petersburg to Los Angeles and how he helps people make sense of the contemporary art world whether it be to invest or just to understand the zeitgeist. Ruth Copland also features interviews with some of the ‘art gypsies’ taking advantage of Edward’s expertise on his art tours.
*Photos: L: Edward Goldman R: Edward, leading one of his art tours, pictured with the sculpture 'The Tower of Snow' at the studio of the artist Enrique Martinez Celaya.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Is Medicine an Art or a Science? | Guest Victoria Sweet
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Saturday Oct 21, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Victoria Sweet
‘Is medicine an art or a science?’ The answer might seem easy - science right? My special guest Dr Victoria Sweet might disagree. A veteran physician, award-winning author, Professor of Medicine at the University of California and wonderful storyteller, Victoria shares her thoughts on slow medicine and good medicine taking more than amazing technology.
Author photo by Denise Zmekhol.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Broadcast on KSCO AM 1080, KSCO 104.1 FM, KOMY AM 1340, and KSCO.com Live Stream.
It's A Question Of Balance ® radio show balances the intellectual with the creative, exploring whether we have more in common than divides us through thought-provoking conversations - out and about with people on the street on different topics, and in the studio with inspiring guests from the arts. Balance is not a compromise. Balance is truth distilled from many places creating cohesive understanding.
Check out podcasts of the different topics and arts guests at www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Arts Interview: In-Depth Conversation with Maggie Stiefvater
Called “a master storyteller” by USA Today, Maggie is also a brilliant artist and plays the bagpipes, which she enjoys almost as much as racing her 1973 Camaro! Ruth Copland talks to Maggie about her life and art.
Maggie’s best-selling books include the Books of Faerie, the best-selling Wolves of Mercy Falls or Shiver Trilogy, the stand-alone novel The Scorpio Races - named a Michael L. Printz Honor Book by the American Library Association, and the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Raven Cycle which received 19 starred reviews from industry journals across four books. Maggie began writing as a child and started submitting novels for consideration from the age of 16. Her books have been translated into 38 languages and optioned for film.
Maggie is also an award-winning coloured pencil artist and has worked as a professional portrait artist. She has a BA in History and whilst at college tried to get into a creative writing class but was told her writing wasn't promising enough! Her new book published by Scholastic on October 10 is called ‘All The Crooked Saints’.
For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com
Copyright 2017 Ruth Copland. All Rights Reserved.